Stories for my friends - Tips for strangers.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gorilla Coffee

Or, Food in New York, pt. 3

I don't know why I have been walking to Starbucks all this time. Well, maybe the $60 in gift cards I got for Christmas have something to do with it. Nonetheless, I am in coffee crisis mode. I feel like one of the cursed Pirates of the Caribbean: every time I take a sip of Starbucks' coffee, it turns to ash in my mouth, and I am left with a sense of longing for this magical coffee I have found in Brooklyn. The fine folks at Gorilla Coffee roast it for the masses in Adelphi and brew it for the select few down in Park Slope. The first sip was a reawakening: bold, full-flavored coffee that balks at the accoutrements at the end of the counter. They must just offer cream and sugar as a tip of the hat to the old regime that made us believe we needed them. The most powerful marketers sell ideas with great products. Gorilla Coffee is making a robust effort to join them.

Try it. Visit their Web site here, order some and discover it for yourself. I recommend the artistic and impressively packaged box gift set (not pictured above). Brooklyneers and Manhattanites, swing by their shop on 5th Ave in Park Slope. It's well worth the trip, and the WIFI is actually free.


1 comment:

Kathy said...

What a cool website they have - someone was very creative with that.