Stories for my friends - Tips for strangers.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I have a friend in New York...

Of all the things I hear when I tell someone where I am going, this is by far the most frequent. There are variations, of course. A sibling or other relative knows someone who lives somewhere in or around the city and does something cool (or something like that). Don't mistake this for complaining, for two reasons. First, I want to become one of those people. Second, I want to meet as many as I can. I have to say, though, that it is overwhelming. Maybe I should start carrying around a notebook to fill with the names of acquaintances of friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately, I don't know what I would do with it once I got there.

Instead of trying to keep track of who knows who and where to find them, I am going to hit the ground running when I get to Brooklyn on Friday. If there is someone you think I should meet, I am flattered! Please let me know, and I will do my best to come across them in the near future.

For now, I will just finish cleaning out my office. Look for a list of interesting things I find along the way next (assuming there are any).


Sarah said...

I have this friend in New York City. Her name is Sarah Ruff. You should totally look her up.

Kathy said...

Me too! Same friend, and I KNOW she would love to see you!

Sarah Elizabeth said...


stu said...

what is a blog