Stories for my friends - Tips for strangers.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Forward Motion

In the words of one of my favorite contemporary actors: "I know it doesn't feel like it, but we're makin' progress." Sometimes a week will go by and I feel like nothing has been accomplished. I'm sure you know the feeling. This week has been good despite feeling at times like I'm in a tailspin. This was the last full week before the wedding, and I can barely believe it. There is plenty left to do, but I know we will get it done.

The church is nearly completed, and as I understand it the sanctuary will be ready for us. The only thing missing is chairs, but we took care of that. So, just a few more days and wedding tunnel vision will have set in completely. I don't expect to remember much of the events that lead up to it, but I want to. Too many times I gear up for something and invest nearly all of my energy in it, only to wake up afterwards struggling to remember details. This time, I want the experience to last, and I want it to be special for everyone dear to me.

On a completely unrelated note, Alan, Robin, Scott and I went to see The Temper Trap last night at Webster Hall. It was good, but the show was expensive and they only played for 40 minutes. We left confused, broke and dizzy from the noise, only to buy a six pack from a corner store and take it to the roof. Good memories. I won't bother providing a link for the band. They might get big, though.

If you're bored in Gainesville this week call me - I'm sure I can find a job for you.


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